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10 Business Lessons I Learned As An Entrepreneur

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In this video men's style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of http://www.iamalpham.com http://www.aaronmarino.com http://www.peteandpedro.com, talks about 10 entrepreneurial lessons he has learned over the years. Being and entrepreneur is an amazing career choice but there are definitely some things you need to be aware of before you get started. These 10 business lessons are ones that I learned and wanted to share with you.

Aaron Marino of alpha m. says that if you told him 10 years ago that he would be successful by talking to a camera about how he shaves his testicles, he would have punched you in the face. Back then, he thought success was owning a chain of fitness centers. Success doesn't always look like you expect. Being an entrepreneur is not easy! But Alpha has learned valuable lessons along the way which he shares here.

Valuable Business Lessons

1. Choose business partners wisely - do background checks. It's like a marriage and legally binding.

2. Control overhead expenses - you pay everyone else before you're paid.

3. Don't be afraid of hard work - the mountain is steep, and you have to climb it.

4. Take your pride and throw it out the window - you will have to do any and everything to be successful. Swallow your pride.

5. Know when it's time to move on - "Shoot the bleeding dog."

6. Look for opportunity everywhere - search out for markets that are unfulfilled

7. Hire smart and surround yourself with good people - not just qualified but people who you want to be associated with; those with good moral character and compasses

8. Be honest and ethical in everything you do

9. Success is not always what you expect it to or want it to

10. Do what you love and then it's not work!
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