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AMD Responds about Weak 1080p Gaming Performance - WAN Show March 3, 2017

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Timestamps courtesy of JJMC89.
00:00:49 - California high school makes $24 million in Snapchat IPO
00:11:38 - Uber plans to turn its app into a content marketplace during rides
00:17:50 - AMD responds to 1080p gaming tests on Ryzen
00:30:07 - Sponsor: Dollar Shave Club
00:32:09 - Sponsor: Epiphan
00:34:12 - Sponsor: Antlion Audio
00:39:03 - Pence's private email hacked
00:33:59 - Google assistant AI
00:42:17 - CBC claims that Subway chicken is 50% chicken
00:43:02 - How "Game Mode" will make games run better on Windows
00:45:33 - Switch launch going well
00:46:18 - PSVR has sold almost a million units
00:48:48 - CloudPets teddy bear data leaked and ransomed
00:50:01 - Samsung Galaxy S8
00:52:33 - Sony announces 300 MB/s R/W SD card
00:54:02 - Floatplane Club
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