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The Academy is only for people who want to improve their accent. I don’t do grammar or basic English lessons. I’m laser-focused on pronunciation and the American accent. If you want to feel more confident when you’re speaking, speak with a sense of ease and speak comfortably then the Academy is what you’ve been looking for.

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Study in Rachel's online school to speak better, more confident English: https://www.RachelsEnglishAcademy.com

Get your FREE Sounds of American English Cheat Sheet: https://www.RachelsEnglish.com/cheat-sheet

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Improve your American Accent / spoken English at Rachel's English with video-based lessons and exercises. Rachel uses real life English conversation as the basis for teaching how to speak English and how to sound American -- improve listening comprehension skills. Study English vocabulary and English phrases such as phrasal verbs, as well as common expressions in English. Learn American idioms and American slang.

#RachelsEnglish #LearnEnglish #EnglishPronunciation #AmericanEnglishPronunciation
English Languages
Rachel's English, rachels english, rachels enlgish
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