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#3 Kids English Learning Show - Classroom Objects:"What do you have?" "What does he/she have?"

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A Kids English Variety Show - Includes Cartoons, Classroom Lessons, Live Skits&Songs.• Teaches classroom objects. (a pencil, pencils, a computer, computers, etc...) and reviews previously taught material.• Teaches usage of the verb '-to have' in the 1st, 2nd,&3rd person.• Grammar focus: "What do you have?" "I have a ____." "I have ____(s).• What does he/she have?" "She/he has a _______." "She/he has ______(s)."For more educational and interactive English learning material check out - Fun English on the ipad&Iphone at http://funenglishapps.com/ and the pumkin interactive website.http://pumkin.com
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