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Advanced English: Formal vs. Informal Language

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More advanced grammar: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4C0D61B6576B2DB1
More vocabulary: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL40CC3FD5FE42551D

0:05 Introduction
1:05 Language goals
2:23 Formal vs. informal English
5:15 Practice: informal to formal
8:33 Practice: formal to informal
11:40 Suggestions for further practice
11:56 Homework (post in the comments)

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Former classroom teacher. Published author. Online instructor. I've been online since 2007, posting videos for students, blogging for teachers, and providing different forms of language support. My goal is to make language studies enjoyable and productive. For more info and resources, visit www.englishwithjennifer.com.

Visit my ELT blog for tips and activity handouts. https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress.com/
Related post with PDF handout: https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/how-to-make-the-transition-between-informal-and-formal-speech-fun-clear-and-memorable/

Images retrieved from the public domain at https://pixabay.com/

Useful links:
Intonation in American English https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfQSN9FlyB6T-lbREfi4sNi5MI2MmYGmc
20-day Fast Speech Challenge https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfQSN9FlyB6SEBVnec8LYuyLRvq3OcT-x
English Languages
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