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Bell's Palsy Treatment (facial nerve)

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Bell's palsy. Some of you may know what that is. Some may not. Bell's palsy is entrapment of a nerve, a cranial nerve that causes drooping of the face, can cause severe pain, sharp pain into the jaw and to the face. You can't even use your muscles. Your whole side of your face kin dof droops down. It's very uncomfortable and very unsettling. Some people feel like they're having a stroke. It's important to know what to do when that happens and to get the right care. And a lot of times people go to neurologists and you went to the neurologist, right? Or where did you go, your internist?

Yeah. And as far as it going away, yes, it could go away. Sometimes it's triggered by stress. There can be some other things that trigger it as well. But there's really no treatment for it. They just kind of send you home or sometimes they'll give you a medication for it. And most often it doesn't work. And sometimes it will go away and sometimes it takes months. So we're about-
On Monday, three weeks? Okay. So we're three weeks in with her. You should have seen her three weeks ago. But she probably didn't want to be on camera three weeks ago, did you? You know, it's unsettling. Your whole face droops and it feels very strange and it's even hard to talk. You bite your tongue, it's hard to chew food.
Okay. And she can smile a little bit better. That right side comes up a little bit now. So it's definitely improving. I'd say we're about, well why don't you tell everybody, 50, 60, 70% improvement?
She was having tooth pain. Yeah, so we're doing a mixture of things with her. We're doing upper cervical specific work, which is upper cervical adjusting to release some of the pressure on the cranial nerves and we're also more importantly using cold laser therapy. And the cold laser just speeds this process up 10, 20 fold. And we're targeting a lot of the cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerve, the facial nerve as well as the occipital nerves. And that's why she's doing so much better. We just finished doing Pontin's principle on her neck and going through across some of the nerve, along the facial nerve. And we're going to show you here just a couple spots that we do-
So this whole process, it takes about 15 minutes. We're not going to bore you all with 15 minutes of laser treatments, but we want to make sure she's wearing glasses and your eyes closed underneath there?
Okay. Sometimes you're able to close your eye on your own.
Okay. And we're just going over the end of the facial nerve. And we've done all the other points. This is not the only point that we do. And the next thing we're going to do is an upper cervical adjustment and we'll show you that. And we do about a minute in each spot. So she's just at about a minute here. I would say by Monday you should be about 70, 75% better, okay. And next week, the next two weeks really we should have you at 100%, okay. So all in all, this'll be about a four to six week process to get through this and we're done here. Okay. Now take your glasses and we're just going to start you with some heat. Okay. And put it around the neck just to loosen the muscles up, keep the muscles soft, and then we're going to come back in and we're going to adjust her and we'll show you that in a minute.
We want to make sure there's not a lot of tension in the neck and that the cervical spine is in place, in its proper place. And that has not been the case for the last few weeks or so. As we adjust the spine, manipulate the spine, we're able to take pressure off the nerves, relieve a lot of tension in the muscles across the neck and the shoulders. And have you had any headaches?
So we're going to do a couple of corrective adjustments here to the neck. And you may hear a little cracking noise as you probably know already. You've had your neck adjusted before. Just relax yourself here. And relax here. And then we do a specific adjustment for upper cervical because of the Bell's palsy.

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Dr. David Kulla DC, CN; Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic, Clinical Nutritionist, ART, COX Flexion Distraction, Spinal Decompression Technique has been Synergy Wellness' Founder and Clinical Director since 2001. Providing care to fellow Ironman triathletes, both professional baseball and basketball players, as well as olympic athletes and actors from HBO and the big screen.

If you are looking for effective joint, neck and lower back pain relief contact us today 212-533-4900 or visit www.SynergyWellnessNY.com chiropractor nyc physical therapy facial nerve nyc chiropractor electrical stimulation, bells palsy, bell's palsy, facial drooping, face paralysis ent neck pain asmr physiotherapy bells palsy
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