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Birds that Hibernate in Lakes?!

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Herein we explain that birds do not hibernate in lakes, do not migrate to the moon, but DO go on very unique journeys, which we humans have learned about in a variety of ingenious manners.
Created by Henry Reich
Video Concept and Writing: Laurie Allmann
Animation: Ever Salazar
Production and Writing Team: Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Emily Elert
Music: Nathaniel Schroeder:
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MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth's environment -- in just a few minutes!
Preuss, N.O. 2001. Hans Christian Cornelius Mortensen: aspects of his life and of the history of bird ringing . Ardea 89(special issue) : 1-6 .
First banded bird recovery in Africa:
Discoveries with satellite telemetry:
--bar-tailed Godwits fly non-stop over the Pacific, from Alaska to New Zealand, a 7000 mile journey at an average speed of over 35 miles per hour, in about 8 days
Eagle migration tracking:
Arctic tern, longest migration:
Ancient Migration theory:
Bar-tailed godwits:
Bird Migration: A General Survey By Peter Berthold
Bald Eagle tracking:
citation to original paper:
Bar-tailed Godwit
Photo by: Andreas Trepte www.photo-natur.de
Birds Hibernating
Artic Tern
Photo by: Malene Thyssen
Photo by: Lyndon Kearsley & Theo Geuens
Photo by: Cary Bass
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