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De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times - Free Download

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The following video is a public service announcement. Your friends at HeartMath are giving away the De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times. This e-booklet, written by Doc Childre, stress researcher and founder of the HeartMath System, can be downloaded for free at www.destresskit.com.
It is available in English, Spanish, German and Japanese. Other languages will be added soon. HeartMath will also be posting a MP3 file of the De-Stress Kit that can also be downloaded at no cost.
Please feel free to share the De-Stress Kit with family, friends, and co-workers. Post it on your website or blog, or print out copies and share them at homeless shelters, soup kitchens, tent cities or at your local community centers.
Stress is increasing daily and there are so many people who dont have access to computers who could use a hard copy of the the De-Stress Kit . These include people who visit social service agencies, welfare and employment offices, homeless shelters and tent cities, soup kitchens, community health clinics, retirement homes, military personnel at the battlefront, churches, juvenile detention centers and prisons. HeartMath would sincerely appreciate it if you could help by contributing $1 or more to help get printed copies of the De-Stress Kit to these organizations so they can distribute them to those in need. Go to DeStressKit.org to donate.
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