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Ethical dilemma: Whose life is more valuable? - Rebecca L. Walker

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Puzzle through a classic ethical dilemma and decide: how do we determine the value of a life, whether human or non-human?


To protect against a possible resurgence of smallpox, the US government is funding research to improve treatments and vaccines. And since it’s unethical to expose people to a highly lethal virus, labs are using monkeys as research subjects. But is it right to harm these animals to protect humanity from a potential threat? Rebecca L. Walker takes a look at this classic ethical dilemma.

Lesson by Rebecca L. Walker, directed by Sharon Colman.

This video was produced in collaboration with the Parr Center for Ethics, housed within the renowned Philosophy Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Parr Center is committed to integrating abstract work in ethical theory with the informed discussion of practical ethical issues, and prides itself on the development of innovative and inclusive approaches to moral and civic education.

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Animator's website: https://www.sharoncolman.com

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ethical dilemma, ethics, thought experiment
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