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How to Score 24+ on the TOEFL Writing

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Here are the advanced TOEFL Writing templates- https://tstprep.com/opt-in-ultimate-toefl-writing-templates/

Our TOEFL Writing 24+ Course is now available at our official website; www.tstprep.com

Here are the videos I mentioned in the lesson, which are ideal for students who are looking for an introduction to the TOEFL Writing Section:

Integrated Essay - https://youtu.be/lEJ3XCAE2YE
Independent Essay - https://youtu.be/1125jntOqH4

In this TOEFL Writing Video, How to Get 24+, head instructor at TST Prep, Josh MacPherson, breaks down how the TOEFL Writing is graded and what TOEFL takers need to do if they wish to build their writing skills.

If you are anything like most of our TOEFL Writing students, you have taken the test before and struggle to improve your score because of grammar and vocabulary. You know the TOEFL Writing essay structure and organization, but you have some bad habits and reoccurring mistakes when it comes to grammar and vocabulary.

The good news is that these are usually easy to fix.

There are a few common errors students make when they write their TOEFL essays, and we are going to touch upon a few of those issues in these videos.

First, Josh is going to share TST Prep’s exclusive TOEFL Writing advanced templates, which were designed to help students with limited vocabulary prove that they can write with complicated sentence structure and sophisticated vocabulary.

After that, we will take a deeper look at conditional sentences. There are a few specific places in your independent TOEFL essay where you can insert a certain type of conditional sentence. This will help improve your score since conditional sentences are longer, contain multiple clauses, and are difficult to construct properly.

You can learn more about our TOEFL Writing classes, courses, and evaluations at

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