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Improve egg health - avoid this...

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Oxidative stress can negatively impact the health of your occytes.

This is one of the main reasons that AGE plays such a big role when it comes to fertility and being able to get pregnant.

When we are born we are born with all of the eggs we will ovulate over our lifetime.

As we age and live our lives throughout the years, our eggs are being exposed to the environment within our body.

High oxidative stress, nutritional deficiency, and lack of circulation all impact the health of our egg cells over time.

Our egg cells don't turn over like the other cells of our body.

Most cells within our body are constantly dying off and being replaced.

For example our skin cells renew every 30 days.

Our red blood cells renew every 120 days and our liver cells turnover about every 300-500 days.

Even the cells in our stomach lining turn over every 2-9 days.

But our brain cells and egg cells are never replaced.

At least with our current understanding of the human body.

We need to protect and nourish our oocytes from the oxidative stress they are exposed to.

Antioxidants help to reduce the chance of this damage.

To learn more about using antioxidants for egg health...

Type EGG in the comments below and I will send you my Ultimate Guide to Antioxidants for fertility and my Egg Health Checklist.
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