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Play doh Sofia the First Cinderella Princess Christmas and New Year Party Playdough

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Sofia the First and Cinderella preparing for Christmas and New Year Party KidsSurprise Playdough Episode

Sofia the First and Cinderella preparing for New Year’s Eve.
Hello everyone! We are very excited about New Year and Christmas and we hope that you are too. In this video our characters are: Cinderella and Sofia the first. First with their help we will arrange the Christmas tree. After that we will dress up Sofia and Cinderella for the New Year’s Eve party. So let’s see what they are going to wear and how they’ll look in their dresses.
Enjoy watching this video and also try and make some of your own new year’s princess’s dresses out of play doh.

You will enjoy in this Christmas tree decorating, Christmas Toys of Disney Princess dress up preparing for the New Years eve. This is family video and good for kids. Children of all ages will have fun.

Playset, playdoh and very funny and easy to make hand creation play dough playsuit collection.

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

The play doh in other countries its called in different names: Playdough, Play-Doh, pâte à modeler, Plasticine, Plastilina, Plastiline, مادة لدائنية, 橡皮泥, 橡皮泥, プラスティシーン, plasticina, пластилин, massa, modellera, пластилін, Crayola, Massinhas de modelar.

Don't forget to subscribe and visit our fan videos, watch also play doh 3D modeling Cars 2 collection:

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"Cars" on other languages:
αυτοκίνητο, άμαξα, βαγόνι
汽车, 客车, 有轮的车
汽車, 客車, 有輪的車
عربة, مركبة, سيارة, عربة قطار
carro, auto, automóvil, coche; vagón, carromato, tranvía
легковой автомобиль, автомобиль, машина; вагон, железнодорожный вагон, вагонетка; гондола дирижабля, гондола; корзина; кабина лифта; повозка, тележка, колесница
auto; rijwagon; lift
carro, automóvel; vagão; cabine de elevador
araba, otomobil; vagon, kabin, yolcu bölümü (balon veya zeplin)
automobile, macchina; (am) tram, vettura tranviaria; (am; Ferr) carrozza viaggiatori; gabbia, cabina; navicella; vagoncino; vagonetto; cocchio
char; voiture, auto, automobile; voiture, wagon (train); cabine (d'un ascenseur); nacelle
легковой автомобиль, автомобиль, машина; вагон, железнодорожный вагон, вагонетка; гондола дирижабля, гондола; корзина; кабина лифта; повозка, тележка, колесница
Auto, Fahrzeug, Vehikel (abwertend), PKW (Personenkraftwagen); Eisenbahnwaggon; Gondel (Seilbahn)

All music used in this video is taken from:
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

1. Wish background http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html/index.html?genre=Holiday
2. We wish you a merry christmas http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html/index.html?genre=Holiday
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