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Princess Peppa's Royal Family Figures Review Nickelodeon Peppa Pig with Sir George the Knight

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This is the new Princess Peppa's Royal Family Figures from her Nickelodeon cartoon Peppa Pig presented by DisneyCollector. Includes Sir George the Knight, mommy as The Queen, Daddy as the King, PeppaPig as the Princess, Grandma Pig as the Cook and Grandpa Pig as the Sorcerer Magician. They are all dressed in their royal outfits. Also available from this collection is "Sir George and the Dragon" and "Princess Peppa Ladies-in-Waiting". Thx 4 watching another Unboxing Toy Review.

Learn "Royal Family" in other languages: La Famille Royale, Die Königliche Familie, Königsfamilie, La Famiglia Reale, La Famiglia, Koninklijke Familie,Família Real, βασιλική οικογένεια, 왕실, 王室, королевская семья.

Peppa is a cartoon for toddlers, infants and preschool children about a female pig that enjoys jumping in muddy puddles. Cartoon airs on Nickelodeon. In Spain it airs on Disney Channel. Family includes Daddy Mommy George and his Chomposaurus Dinosaur.

Here is how she is also called: Porca Peppa, Porquinha Peppa, Cerdita Peppa, 粉红猪小妹, ペッパピッグ, Miss Pink Pig, Praščić Pepa, Prasátko Peppa, Peppa Big, Pipsa Possu, Peppa Wutz, Πέππα το Γουρουνάκι, Πεππα το γουρουνάκι, Świnka Peppa, Purcelusa Peppa, Свинка Пеппа, Pepa Prase, Pujsa Pepa, Peppa Gris, Gurli Gris, Gurra Grís, Peppa Pinc, Peppa no buta, Peppa zhū, pink Peppa, Peppa Muc, Peppa Malac, Пепа Прасе, пепа пигс, Pepa la Porqueta.

La Cerdita es un pequeño cerdo lindo que siempre que puede salta en los charcos de barro, vive con su hermano George de 18 meses, que ama a su dinosaurio, y también mamá y papá Pig. Ella encanta jugar disfrazarse, pero lo que ella prefiere la mayoría es saltar charcos de lodo!

Here's how Princess is called in other languages: Princesa, Princesses, Prinzessinnen, Principesse, Princesita, Дисней принцесс, πριγκίπισσες, 디즈니 공주, Prinses, ディズニーのお姫様, Vorstin, koningsdochter, Prinzessin, Fürstin, πριγκίπισσα, principessa, księżniczka, królewna, принцесса.

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