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Pro Chefs Transform Pizza Dough Into 6 New Dishes | Test Kitchen Talks | Bon Appêtit

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Join Chris Morocco, Brad Leone, Kendra Vaculin, Melissa Miranda, Chrissy Tracey, and Rachel Gurjar as they return to the Bon Appétit test kitchen to transform pizza dough into six diverse offerings. From savory to sweet and back again, one of these ideas is sure to help you take pizza dough to delectable new places.

0:00 Introduction
0:23 Brad's Focaccia-Style Table Bread
2:22 Melissa's Tuna Hand Pie
5:37 Chris's Sweet Fried Dough
7:57 Kendra's Prosciutto And Gruyère Wreath
12:03 Chrissy's Monkey Bread
14:52 Rachel's Kimchi And Cheddar Rolls
Director: Amanda Veitia
Editor: Phil Ceconi
Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds 
Director of Photography: Kevin Dynia
Producer: Amanda Veitia
Associate Producer: Halie Aaron
Culinary Producer: Kat Boytsova
Associate Culinary Producer: Jessica Do 
Culinary Assistant: Allison Furey
Camera Operator: Paige Wollensack
Audio: Rachel Suffian
Production Assistants: Sergio Santos & Tim Colao

Post Production Supervisor: Stephanie Cardone
Associate Director, Post Production: Nicole Berg
Director of Talent: Carolyn Gagnon

Bon Appetit Video Team
June Kim 
Ali Inglese 
Dan Siegel 
Rhoda Boone
Carolyn Gagnon
Jonathan Wise
Holly Patton 
Myra Rivera
Billy Keenly 

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Bon Appétit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home.

Pro Chefs Transform Pizza Dough Into 6 New Dishes | Test Kitchen Talks | Bon Appêtit
ba test kitchen, ba test kitchen talks, bon app test kitchen
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