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Smart Brain Wise Heart Social & Emotional eLearning Program

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HeartMath’s Smart Brain Wise Heart (SBWH) new and innovative eLearning program for children for 9- to 16-year-olds. Blended learning combines fully integrated eLearning content with a printed Leader’s Kit.

SBWH draws on the best of young people's hearts and brains, empowering them to make smarter decisions and improve self-control, academic success and social skills. The latest heart-brain-body neuroscience helps students understand what’s happening inside themselves, and a range of fun and intelligent enrichment activities engages and challenges them. Pre and Post Assessments validate students' mastery. Each of the eight learning units has a video that is essential in the student's learning process. Choose an eLearning license for single users, homeschool/family, or school site/district packages. Learn more at .
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