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This is the BEST Golf Swing SLICE FIX Drill I've ever seen. Inspired by PGA Tour player Matthew Wolff, this golf tip has helped FIX EVERY SLICE golf swing I've ever encountered - even the WORST SLICE GOLF SWINGS EVER! The secret to fixing the slice exists in your ability to begin shallowing the club in the downswing. If the golf club doesn't shallow, you get steep. When you get steep, you chop. When you chop, you slice - see the downward golf swing death spiral here?

This drill will show you how to stop slicing the golf ball - yes, even stop slicing the driver. For golfers who slice the ball every time, you will find this golf tip and drill to be extremely helpful in eliminating the slice completely from your golf game. This golf tip works not only for the driver but it is also a great irons slice fix. This is seriously one of the best tips to stop slicing in golf. If you want to know how to stop slicing - do this drill.

This Matthew Wolff golf swing tip is designed to accomplish just that - shallowing the golf club in the downswing to enable you to start hitting draws and STOP SLICING FOREVER. This golf tip has cured severe slicers of the golf ball and got them to hit their driver 260 yards down the middle of the fairway instantly after doing this drill. Try this golf tip and see what it's like to completely eliminate the slice from your golf game!

0:00 Introduction to the Slice Fix
0:33 Why Do You Slice the Golf Ball?
2:11 How has this Slice Fix Drill CHANGED LIVES?
2:45 Matthew Wolf and the Slice Fixing Drill
3:55 The FIX for You
4:17 Setting up the Drill
4:42 How to Do the Drill
6:33 STILL SLICING? You Need to Know This (The Trail Forearm)
12:04 FINAL DISCLAIMER - What to Expect When Doing this Drill
13:47 Ending Lesson Notes

#StopSlicingFOREVER #GolfTips #SliceFix

Access Tom's ULTIMATE Golf Swing Training Program and Instructional Library - https://saguto.golf/p/golf-swing-simplified-tom-saguto-pga
STUFF I USE/WEAR (Discounts on select items below for viewers)
1. Upglove Golf Gloves - https://upglove.com/sagutogolf
2. Athalonz Golf Shoes - $20 OFF using this link: https://bit.ly/3gR3jpG (Use Promo Code SAGUTO20)

MY "DIY" GOLF NET based on this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p11qs4E2T0
SUBSCRIBE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=SagutoGolf

I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my instructional page where you can find how to get on the fast track to improving your golfing abilities. Whether you are a seasoned golfing veteran looking for a quick swing tune-up after an on-course emergency, or a beginner just looking to get the most out of your golfing experience, I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

My mission as your swing doctor is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.

My philosophy is wholly based on the student having a fun, meaningful experience in a frustrating and complicated game where potential lifelong golfers either quit because it is too difficult or that they experience some form of swing-related pain or discomfort. I mitigate these problems by focusing entirely on the student’s needs and goals while teaching a golf swing method that ultimately takes stress off of the common pain areas of the swing.

Tom Saguto's personal website: www.sagutogolf.com
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