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the major problem with my NEXT $1MIL STOCK! Dropbox Problem

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Holy Smokas this aint no Jokas!! Did I get some negative comments about my next Million dollar stock from my last video. A lot of negative comments surrounding dropbox business model and why it will fail. Every time I bring a new stock that I like in the stock market, I usually get a lot of negative comments about the specific stock.

Today I will talk about the 3 biggest comments I got about dropbox stock. I will go in depth about these comments and why I believe that they are wrong. Leave me a comment with your opinion on dropbox. Do you think this is a stock to buy now? Or is this a stock to watch? Do you think dropbox is going to get destroyed by another company? Appreciate your opinion!

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Created by Jeremy Lefebvre
stocks to buy, stocks to watch, stocks to buy now
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