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The Taj Mahal: A monument to eternal love - Stephanie Honchell Smith

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Dig into the construction of the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum that Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan had built for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.


It’s 1631. Mumtaz Mahal, beloved wife of Emperor Shah Jahan, is giving birth to their 14th child. A healthy girl is born, but Mumtaz dies soon after. Sobbing uncontrollably, the emperor decides to build a tomb worthy of his queen: a replica of paradise to embody their love and project the power of the Mughal Empire for all time. Stephanie Honchell Smith details the construction of the Taj Mahal.

Lesson by Stephanie Honchell Smith, directed by Jeff Le Bars, Jet Propulsion.

This video made possible in collaboration with Marriott Hotels
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Animator's website: http://jetpropulsion.space
Music: http://www.wonderboyaudio.com

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taj mahal, Mughal empire, Mumtaz Mahal
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