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What's inside an ATM?

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We found an ATM Machine and CUT IT OPEN to find Money!! What should we do with all the money??

Thanks to our friend Devin Supertramp for helping film some of the slo motion shots with his Red Camera. He is super talented! Look for a Behind the scenes video on his channel in the next month or two here: https://www.youtube.com/user/devinsupertramp

Also, we hope you enjoyed your April 1st April Fools joke:) Watch last years joke here: https://youtu.be/yMRVCZhKlGE

Yes this was a real atm machine that we owned and we are the ones that put the money in it. We would never steal an ATM or encourage that behavior, we just thought that little twist would be fun for you on April Fools. As we always say and as is officially trademarked in the US, "We cut things open so you don't have to". Don't do what we do. These videos are for entertainment and education purposes only.
What's Inside?
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