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Word 2013 (Office 365): A Full Tutorial of Most Features Part 1 of 2

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A comprehensive tutorial on Microsoft Word 2013 to recharge your career and gain the proper skills for your resume. Concepts based. Easy to understand. Check out also our website: http://kaceli.com.

Working files to follow the video hands-on are available from here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3-9HUBAvpxnWlFWekp2UHFvMVU


1:00 Getting started and general concepts
10:30 Using templates
12:30 Basic features under the home tab:
23:00 Using styles, etc.
29:30 Inserting a table in a document
35:45 Inserting pictures and media in a document
41:30 Inserting SmartArt in a document
45:45 Inserting Headers and footers in a document
50:20 Inserting comments in a document
53:00 Applying a design theme to a document
55:30 Changing Margins, orientation and formatting in a document

This video covers:
- Getting started with Word 2013
- General tools under the Home Tab
- Formatting text
- Using styles to format text and creating new custom formatting styles.
- Inserting tables in a document
- Inserting pictures and media and customizing the media
- Inserting SmartArt in a document and customizing it
- Inserting Headers and footers in a document
- Applying a design theme to a document

For other functionality, please check the other videos on this channel. Feel free to subscribe to the channel for the latest updates and refer other friends to it. Note that there are also playlists available and full videos that include all aspects of the applications.

Excel 2013 tutorial is available from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mNwJ...
Excel 2010 tutorial is available from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBy7B...
Excel 2007 tutorial is available from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbAfT...

For other functionality, please check the other videos on this channel. Feel free to subscribe to the channel for the latest updates and refer other friends to it.
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