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Do you wanna make awesome selfie ball for your pets?

What you need:
Broken headphones
Tennis ball
Xacto knife
Glue gun and glue

Cut the auxiliary plug off from a pair of broken headphones using an Xacto knife or scissors.

Use the Xacto knife to cut a small "X" into the ball.

Apply a dab of hot glue on the "X."

Push the headphone plug into the "X."

Wait 30 seconds to set.

But look out! Now you're about to get even more obsessed with your dog! ; )

So you have an idea for a picture in the forefront of your mind. You get put your box of colored pencils and a pencil sharpener. With the picture still clear in your mind, you sharpen each and every pencil and put a sheet of white paper on the table, ready to get creative. So what would you expect to happen next?

Not what happens here, that’s for sure. Instead of throwing away the pencil shavings and keeping the colored pencils to start drawing with, virtually the reverse happens. When you begin to look closer at the images you will be in for quite a surprise, yet we know you will also marvel at the ingenuity of some people. Though carefully removed from the colored pencils, these delicate shavings have been retained to create the most marvellous array of pictures, either as an adornment to a simple sketch, or as an entire work of art!


2:05 Pencil shavings drawing
3:09 Selfie ball
5:05 Straw dragon
10:01 Newspaper cap for painting


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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
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