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“Should I move to Canada?”

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Are you thinking of moving to Canada? You might be asking the following questions: Are there jobs in Canada? Are Canadians rich? Is it easier to live in Canada than other places? Is it a good place to raise a family? Is it safe? What are the benefits and disadvantages of life in Canada? In this video, I will give you my honest opinion and advice about moving to Canada, especially Toronto. I am not an immigrant, but I have watched the immigration journey of many students, friends, family, and colleagues. I hope this video helps you to decide if Canada is the right place for you to achieve your goals. For people who have immigrated to Canada, do you agree with the points in this video? Write about your Canadian experience in the comments! https://www.engvid.com/should-i-move-to-canada/

Watch @engvidAlex's video about immigrating to Canada: https://youtu.be/DF_JhrH3AMs

In this lesson:
0:00 "Should I move to Canada?"
1:53 Are Canadians rich?
5:10 Is it easy to find a job in Canada?
8:14 Life in Canada: Positives
13:43 Life in Canada: Negatives
18:34 So... should you move to Canada?

Hello. My name is Emma, and today we are going to talk about whether you should move to Canada.
Many people want to come to Canada. As some of you know, I'm from Canada, I live in Toronto,
and so I thought it would be a great idea to make a video about what it is like moving
to Canada and living in Canada. Many students ask me, "Is Canada a good country to move
to? Is it a good country to immigrate to?" My answer is always, "Well, it depends on
what your goals are." So, I'm going to talk a little bit about that later. Before I talk
about this video, I also wanted to tell you a bit about my background. So, I teach English,
I have many students from many countries around the world, I teach immigrants English, I am
the granddaughter of an immigrant, so my grandfather immigrated to Canada, and I have a lot of
friends who are immigrants. In fact, more than half of Toronto... More than half of
the people from Toronto were actually born in other countries. So, we are a place and
a city of immigrants. So, in this video, I'm going to talk a little bit about life
in Canada. We'll talk about the first question a lot of people wonder, "Are Canadians rich?
Are there jobs in Canada? What about housing? Is it easy to buy a house or find an apartment?
What are the good things about living in Canada, and what are the bad things?" I hope by the
end of this video, you will have more information to help you make your decision about moving
to Canada.
All right. So, one thing many people in the world believe is that all Canadians are rich,
and if you come to Canada, it is easy to become rich; you just need to work hard. Unfortunately,
this is not exactly true. So, let's talk a bit about this. The Canadian dollar, so the
Canadian currency, is very strong. So, when Canadians go to other countries, we often
can buy quite a lot of things because we have a strong currency. But here's the problem.
When you live in Canada, everything is very expensive. So, I'll give you some examples
of this. Let's start here. So, in Canada, in 2022, the average salary was about $41,000
US. So, that's what the average Canadian made. There's some Canadians that make more money
than this, and there's a lot of Canadians who make less money than this. Now, the problem
is you might think, "Well, that's a lot of money." But if you think how much money a
house is in Canada, it's over $800,000 US. You might think, "Well, what about if I rent?"
Rent is also extremely expensive in this country. Food is very expensive. Pretty much
everything is very expensive. So, you make a lot of money, but then you lose most of
your money every month because of the cost of daily living. So, yes, Canadians make a
lot of money in general, but we also spend a lot of money on rent, food, transportation.
It's an expensive country to live in. We also have very high taxes. So, a lot of the money
you get goes back to the government. So, again, life in Canada is very expensive, so it might
seem like Canadians are rich. When many immigrants come here, they start to work, and they think,
"Great. I'm making so much money." But then they have to spend all the money they make
on the cost of daily living and on rent. So, it's a very expensive country.
A lot of people don't realize also that Canada has a problem with homelessness. There's many
people who are poor in Canada and actually live on the streets. You might not know this
because when you think of Canada, you probably picture a beautiful country with a lot of
nature. That exists, but in the cities, many cities have problems with homelessness. It
might even be worse than where you're from, or there might be less homeless people, but
I can tell you, Canada has a lot of homeless people.
So, let's learn
English Languages
immigration, imigration, move
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