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10 Greenest Countries & Low-Cabon Cement | WEF | Top Stories of the Week

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This week's top stories of the week include:

0:15 Which countries are the greenest? - The Green Future Index 2023 is published by the MIT Technology Review. The index compares territories across 5 pillars, ranging from clean innovation to climate policy. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum and Oliver Wyman have published a series of 12 industry reports offering sector-specific guidance on how to protect the planet and mitigate nature-related risks.

2:19 This low carbon cement is building a greener world - It’s called LC3 or formally Limestone Calcined Clay Cement. It reduces carbon emissions from cement by 40% by swapping a key ingredient with cleaner materials. To make LC3, Scrivener and her colleagues at EPFL made one key change they replaced half the clinker in traditional cement with calcined clay and ground limestone. These don’t release as much CO2 when heated and can be fired at much lower temperatures.

5:57 What is techno-pessimism - "Techno-pessimism, which becomes almost a mantra that that technology is bad, the robots are bad and they're out to get us, is really, really quite unhelpful. It's almost as unhelpful as a starry-eyed utopianism," says Azeem Azhar, Entrepreneur and creator of the Exponential View

8:46 Climate change is undermining our security - International bodies are becoming aware of how climate change is impacting defence by damaging military assets through storms, heat or flooding. Or driving migration through food and fuel insecurity. Andrew Zolli is the Chief Impact Officer of Planet Labs. A company that monitors human rights and the climate from space.

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