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4 Ways to Combat Superbugs & How AI Is Supercharging Science | WEF | Top Stories of the Week

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This week's top stories of the week include:

0:15 New tech transforms ocean study – Standard underwater sensors rely on batteries that can quickly run out. Fadel Adib and his fellow MIT researchers set out to find an alternative. They created a wireless underwater camera that doesn’t need batteries. It can help scientists create much more detailed climate models and understand the impacts of climate change on the ocean better.

3:33 4 ways to combat superbugs – Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the biggest threats to global public health. AMR is effectively another way of describing ‘superbugs’ which are pathogens that, over time, have developed a resistance to treatment. Superbugs are a factor in almost 5 million deaths every year. Experts say there are 4 ways to fight back against this growing threat.

6:18 Project maps world's ecosystems – The lack of knowledge means scientists and decision-makers can’t see the condition of these ecosystems or how they are changing. A new project called the Global Ecosystems Atlas aims to plug the gaps in our knowledge. Its creators want it to be the ‘Google Maps of ecosystems’.

8:49 How AI is supercharging science – Artificial intelligence is already helping scientists break new ground. From identifying the first new antibiotic candidates in 60 years to finding new materials that can power the energy transition. Three scientists discuss its power to supercharge discoveries.

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World Economic Forum, WEF, Davos
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