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5 Simple Strategies To Reduce No Shows For Sales Calls S1E67

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Have you experienced running a webinar and people who watched it seemed to be interested in your offer then booked a call but didn’t show up? This is a common problem among high ticket coaches and consultants and could cost a lot of resources.

Dan Lok has already generated hundreds of millions in coaching and digital course sales and today he will share his tips on how he increased the number of people who booked a call to show up which leads to a sale. Find out and apply them to your own high ticket coaching business.

► Follow Dan on Social Media
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0:00 Intro
0:40 ​​How can you turn your expertise, passion, and experience into an online income stream? Test drive Kajabi platform Dan Lok is using and receives thousands of dollars worth of bonuses.
1:49 Why having your prospects watch your webinar and book a call is not enough.
3:00 Do you put your prospects into a survey, questionnaire or assessment?
3:36 Do you give too many options to your prospects when giving them a booking time?
4:10 How do you sell your prospects the call before they book?
5:03 What tools can you use to remind your prospects about the call?
dan, danlok, dan lok
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