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Adverbs of Manner - Are you learning English quickly? - English Grammar Lesson by Michelle

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Adverbs of Manner - Are you learning English quickly? - English Grammar Lesson by Michelle


In this English Grammar lesson we are learning to answer the question “how” for some actions, that means “how was something done”. We are going to learn more about the 'LY' words in this lesson which are called Adverbs of manner. My name is Michelle and I’d be glad to have you joining me.

Other Grammar Lesson - Adverbs of Frequency-

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An adverb of manner is a word that describes (gives extra information about) the verb in a sentence. It answers the question of how an action is performed. Adverbs of manner communicate how something happened. They are generally used to modify verbs.

Let’s look at some example sentences for of adverbs of manner:
• He runs quickly.
• The dog fetched the stick excitedly.
• The boy laughed noisily/ loudly.
• The girl danced beautifully.
• The driver carelessly drove the car.
• Julie sings well.

Most adverbs in English are formed by taking an adjective and adding -ly.
Adjective Adverb
Beautiful (Adj) beautifully (Adv)
Excited (Adj) – Excitedly (Adv)
Loud (Adj) - Loudly (Adv)
Noisy (Adj) - Noisily (Adv)
Truthful (Adj) - Truthfully (Adv)
Careful (Adj) – Carefully (Adv)
A few adverbs of manner have the same form as the adjective:
They all worked hard.
She usually arrives late.
I hate driving fast.
Note: hardly and lately have different meanings:
He could hardly walk = It was difficult for him to walk.
I haven’t seen John lately = I haven’t seen John recently
Sentence Pattern
Pattern 1: Verb + Adverb

Note: This is the most common pattern for adverbs of manner in English.
Example: He spoke quickly.
Pattern 2: Verb Object + Adverb
Note: When a direct or indirect object follows the main verb, it is possible for the adverb to follow the object and not verb.
Example: I drank my tea slowly.
Pattern 3: Adverb + Verb
Note: Placing the adverb before the verb is very common with adverbs of frequency (e.g., I always eat breakfast), but it is a little less common with adverbs of manner.
Example: She quietly played with the children.
I hope you’ll be able to answer all the “how” questions after learning the adverb of manner with me. I’ll see you soon with another useful grammar lesson.
English Languages
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