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Bacterial Meningitis Treatment丨Deep Tissue Healing & Relieve the Inflammation

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The human body energy field plays a very important role in our health. Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. Sound healing synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies. “To heal is to make the sound”.

Everything is vibrating at specific frequencies, and energy is transferred through vibration.

Bacteria, viruses, and other organisms living in your body have their unique resonant frequency. You can tackle them by using the same vibration.

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Bacterial meningitis occurs when these bacteria get in your bloodstream and travel to your brain and spinal cord to start an infection. Most bacteria that cause this form of infection are spread through close personal contact, such as: coughing. sneezing.
By using the frequencies of 50,370,900,2500,3000,73300,95750,175000,269710,355080 Hz ,
it will help you:
✅ Remove bacteria.
✅ Relieve the inflammation.
✅ Deep tissue healing.

Welcome to listen to this frequency and share it with your friends and family.

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Frequency, Healing, Frequency Audio
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