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Daily Video Vocabulary - Episode 55 ( ESL) - A bolt from the blue Spoken English lesson

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Daily Video Vocabulary Episode 55
A bolt from the blue -- idiom

In your daily routine, you may have faced something that left you feeling extremely surprised, as it was unexpected. 

The idiom a bolt from the blue basically means, to feel surprised due to something that you never expected.

It means if something happens unexpectedly and suddenly, it is a bolt from the blue.
If a lightning bolt were to strike a clear blue sky, it would be quite unexpected.

So something that occurs out of nowhere and is a complete surprise to you, it is a blue from the bolt.

For example, when you heard the news of your friend's accident, it left you feeling shocked as it was something you never expected and happened all of a sudden. So this unpleasant news came as a bolt from the blue.

Example 01 : The news of John's heart attack, was  a bolt from the blue to all his colleagues, as he was in his late thirties. 

Example 02 : Peter's detention in his first year of medical college, came as a bolt from the blue to is parents, they were completely shattered.

Peter's detention letter from the college principal, left his parents completely shattered, as it was bolt from the blue for his parents.

Example 03 : When Mary and William broke the news of their divorce to both of their families, it was a like a bolt from the blue and left everyone heartbroken.

Example 04 : After reading about the unreasonable rise in the petroleum price, it was like a bolt from the blue for the all the car owners and they decided to protest.

Example 05 : The new tax policy came as a bolt from the blue to everyone as it left no scope for any savings.

Example 06 : The young successful entrepreneur's suicide, was a bolt from the blue to all the neighbours, as they couldn't figure out the reason for her suicide.

Example 07 : Ben got a bolt from the blue. When he was sacked from the company, after been awarded as the best salesman of the year.

Example 08 : Jennifer had a bolt from the blue, when she realised that she had lost her diamond ring, she had no idea when it slipped off her finger.

Example 9 : When the alcoholic decided to surrender himself to the rehabilitation centre, it came as a bolt from the blue to his wife as she had never expected him to take such a step.

Example10 : When John was held to ransom at gun point, it came as  a bolt from the blue as he didn't knew how to react.

Example 11 : When the board of directors saw their company's share value crashing down, it was like a bolt from the blue to them.
English Languages
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