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DIY Crafts With Old T Shirts!

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DIY Crafts: DIY Crafts With Old T Shirt! In this DIY clothes tutorial I show you 5 amazing DIY T shirt projects. These easy crafty DIY shirts are perfect for room decor, so grab your old T shirts and let's do some DIY clothes crafts. Many of you have requested a DIY room decor video, so I decided to recycle old t shirts and make some amazing DIY room decor projects. These are perfect ideas to keep for yourself of give as gifts. If you like easy DIY crafts then these DIY T Shirt cutting ideas are perfect for you. So let's recycle, revamp, or renovate your old clothes into cool DIY room decor. If you're a teenager, an adult or a kid, if you like to recycle and you want cool room decor then this is the tutorial for you.
The first DIY project I'm making is an adorable DIY shirt magnet board. It's super easy to make just cut the shirt to the size of your cookie sheet and hot glue together. Use some cute magnets or make your own. These DIY projects are so much fun to put together and you can get so creative with the shirts your use for this DIY.
Next recycled DIY clothes projects use a cereal box and t shirt of your choice. Super simple and cheap DIY as you will recycle a cereal box and an old t shirt. Perfect DIY shirt project!
In this DIY crafts video I also show you a way 2 DIYs with one shirt. Just cut the sleeve from the shirt in the 2nd DIY and use a recycled water bottle and you have a makeup brush or pen holder. 2 easy projects using 1 DIY shirt!
Now this is a DIY old clothes project. Use the logo from an old shirt and make a DIY shirts phone case by simple DIY shirt cutting. I show you an easy phone case idea. You can do so many fun things with DIY shirt cutting ideas especially ones with awesome graphic looks.
In this DIY shirts project tutorial I also show a pillow with a DIY graphic design. I made a DIY pillow that is such a cute room decor idea. This DIY shirt pillow is perfect for your bed. See how you can be super creative and combine different things to create amazing DIY shirts room decor. This is way DIY clothes project are so much fun.
I hope you enjoy this DIY crafts with old t shirts video tutorial please remember to like and subscribe -
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