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Does the Hair Braider Actually Work? | Toy Braider Fab or Fail | Cute Girls Hairstyles

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Have you ever wondered if the Hair Braider toy actually worked? Rylan and I decided to put it to the test in this next episode of "Fab or Fail"! What do you think?
We've shown you so many hair braiding tutorials on our channel, but we’ve never show you a hair braiding tool. To see our playlist of hair braiding tutorials, click HERE!
First and foremost, the Hair Braider is a TOY! It’s not a professional hair tool, so I was curious to find out if it actually worked. I’ve seen it on kids’ channels and Paisley has even asked for one in the past. I ordered a Hair Braider online but it can also be found in the toy aisles at major retailers. I actually had to go buy a second Hair Braider in the middle of my tutorial because the first one stopped working! For this Fab or Fail, the Easy Braider was used on completely dry hair.
It took about 5 minutes to put Rylan’s hair into the Easy Braider, and then less than a minute for the toy to actually braid.
This toy braider is made of plastic and comes with a braider, separator, elastics, and ribbons. You can braid your hair in 3 steps. First, load your hair into the Easy Braider by using the separator and strand pullers. Second, hold the button on the handle to start braiding. You’ll have to move slow if you want a decent looking braid. If you move too fast, that braider won’t work. You also have to be careful while you braid because the hair at the bottom of the separator tubes can get tangled.
Everyone, this is not a sponsored video... I personally bought the Easy Braider on Amazon and at Toys R Us and have had zero contact with Hair Braider. My results and opinion are expressly my own. Also, these results may not be your results, as the final braids take in many factors including hair health, texture, length, etc.
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHEasyBraider
How do I rank the Hair Braider on our Fab or Fail Scale??? I actually give it a half "Fab" AND a "Fail". Why? Because as a hair tool, the Hair Braider is a total fail. It’s obviously a toy and not meant for professional hair styling. I think it’d be easier to simply learn how to braid! As a toy, I give it a semi-Fab because I could see Paisley and other kids playing with it. Is this a gimmick? It could be. You can help decide!
Try the Hair Baider: XYZ
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