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English Grammar Lesson – Binomial word pairs with the conjunction ‘OR’ ( Learn English online)

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English Grammar Lesson – Binomial word pairs with the conjunction ‘OR’ ( Learn English online)

Blog: http://www.learnex.in/binomial-word-pairs-with-the-conjunction-or-english-grammar

If you are learning English, it is important to know binomial pairs and the way they are used while speaking in English. A binomial pair is an expression containing two words which are joined by a conjunction (usually ‘and’ or ‘or’). The word order of a binomial pair is usually fixed. In this lesson today you will learn binomial pairs using the conjunction 'or'

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Sooner or later –
This expression means that something will definitely happen, although it is not when it will happen.
Example - We are all going to die sooner or later.

More or less –
Using this expression means speaking imprecisely / approximately.
Example - Just give me another minute – I’ve more or less finished.

Take it or leave it –
When you negotiate using this expression is your last offer: you are not going to negotiation further or allow the other person to negotiate
Example - $300 is my final offer for this gown, you may take it or leave it.

Make or break –
To be the factor which decides whether (something) will succeed or fail.
Example - This football match is a make or break for us. If we lose this we are out of the league.

Win or Lose –
It means whether you succeed or fail/ no matter what
Example - win or lose, the important thing for him is to set a good example to his side.

Now or never –
his expression is used to convey urgency.
Example - It was now or never, I had to move fast and help them to win the game.
English Languages
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