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Ensuring Emotional and Physical Safety in Your Search for Love | Over 50 & Flourishing

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If you’ve tuned in before, you already know the fabulous guru of love and dating, Laurie Gerber. I’m thrilled to have her return for this episode, where we revisit the world of midlife dating but this time with a strong focus on emotional and physical safety. Laurie will share her 11 essential rules for navigating the dating world later in life, and we’ll also cover important topics like protection and sexual health.

For even more of Laurie’s invaluable dating wisdom, be sure to check out her FREE webinar: "3 Secrets to Finding and Maintaining Healthy Love without Repeated Disappointments."

You will learn:
✓How to be Ready to Date Like You Mean It in 30 Days or Less
✓The #1 Ingredient to Finding A Suitable Companion without Repeated Disappointment
✓Essential Elements to Effective Communication even about the Most Awkward Topics
✓PLUS: The Key to Finding Your Soulmate in Way Less Dates!

REGISTER HERE: www.lauriegerber.com/webinar

Laurie's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@lauriegerbercoach

Thanks to my Sponsors:
Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code OVER50 at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod

Get 20% OFF @honeylove by going to https://www.honeylove.com/OVER50! #honeylovepod

Go to https://boncharge.com/OVER50 and use coupon code OVER50 to save 15%

Interested in being featured as a guest? Please email courtney@dominiquesachse.tv
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Watch ​more Dominique Sachse:
Beauty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDHJ901QU_Q&list=PLKUX44R3MbuSDQV7BzvQxMrVeVZfGBCcD
Lifestyle Tips & Tricks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKUX44R3MbuR3sX61i9QiwnOBr61tEMc_&playnext=1
Most Popular: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKUX44R3MbuTDh-LeJThrmz5XBrjQxbob&playnext=1

Follow Dominique Sachse:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dominiquesachse
Instagram: ​https://instagram.com/dominiquesachse
Facebook: ​https://facebook.com/DominiqueSachse

Check out my website: ​http://dominiquesachse.tv

You can order a copy of my new book LIFE MAKEOVER - Embrace The Bold,
Beautiful, & Blessed YOU here: https://www.dominiquesachse.tv/book/
Each product I feature is something I have used and loved and wanted to share
with you. I choose 100% of the products I feature and do not ever
recommend anything I haven't personally used myself. Links in my description may be affiliated and are a wonderful way to show your support,
allowing me to continue spreading beauty and boldness.

About Dominique Sachse: Welcome to the official Dominique Sachse YouTube
channel! On this channel, you’ll find inspiring “Yes, you can do it!” tips for
transformative hair and makeup, fashion - and health and wellness related
content for the mature woman who’s in her PRIME! I enjoy sharing my life with you
through my vlogs, how-to live YOUR best life through Q & A videos and so much
more, all with a touch of faith and affirmation.

#DominiqueSachse​ #Podcast #Dating
Fashion & Beauty
Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe
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