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Growth for Green Jobs in 2023 & Cash Hoarding Affects EU Growth | WEF | Top Stories of the Week

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This week's top stories of the week include:

0:15 2023 saw highest growth for green jobs – The number of renewable jobs worldwide shot up by 18% last year, from 13.7 million in 2022 to 16.2 million in 2023. The rise was driven by the global surge in renewable generation capacity as well as continued growth in equipment manufacturing, according to a new report from IRENA and the ILO.

1:59 4 ways AI could save your life – AI can enable personalized care based on health risks in your local area. Mayo Clinic in the US has developed an AI-powered index which uses publicly available housing data to identify patients’ socio-economic situations so this information can be built into their healthcare provision.

5:38 Bridging the gender care gap at work – Caregiving is not shared equally between men and women. Women on average perform 4 times more unpaid care work than men, and they’re more likely than men to step back from their careers to act as caregivers. How can employers can help men and women close this gap?

8:43 Cash hoarding affects EU growth – Households in Europe are saving at their highest rate in years. This behaviour is measured by the household investment rate, which fell to 9.5% across the EU in the first quarter of 2024, its lowest level since 2021. Economic anxiety has also played a role in the rise in saving rates.


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World Economic Forum, WEF, Davos
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