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Have we reached the limit of computer power? - Sajan Saini and George Zaidan

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Dig into Moore’s Law and explore its 4 main limitations and how they could change how we are able to make progress in computing.


Moore’s Law states that every 1 to 2 years the number of transistors that can fit on a given size computer chip will double. Thanks to this law, chips have gotten smaller, faster, more efficient, and cheaper. But today, there are four key problems that trip up this trend, potentially ending Moore’s Law and fundamentally changing how computing progresses. Sajan Saini and George Zaidan investigate.

Lesson by Sajan Saini and George Zaidan, directed by Jeff Le Bars, JetPropulsion.space.

A special thanks to Anuradha Murthy Agarwal who provided information and insights for the development of this video.

Artists and artworks referenced in the animation:
"The Persistence of Memory and The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dalí
"Composition VIII​" by Wassily Kandinsky
​"Oh Jeff and Girl with Tear III​" by Roy Lichtenstein
"Black Square on a White Background​" by Kazimir Malevich
"Triptych Bleu I, II, III​" by Joan Miró
Piet Mondrian
"Marilyn" by Andy Warhol

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View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/have-we-reached-the-limit-of-computer-power-sajan-saini-and-george-zaidan
Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/have-we-reached-the-limit-of-computer-power-sajan-saini-and-george-zaidan/digdeeper

Animator's website: https://jetpropulsion.space
Music: https://www.wonderboyaudio.com

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moore's law, moores law, end of moores law
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