Transform Your Existing PowerPoint Presentations Into 3D
Why Tutorials for PowerPoint
Many jokes and disparaging words are made at presentations where PowerPoint is used. They are boring and amateurish. No one looks forward to watching a plain PowerPoint presentations. It doesn't have to be boring.
When PowerPoint was created, it was packed full of neat tricks to create amazing presentations. The problem has been that no one knew where to find them. Rajesh Kalra (RK) spent one year learning the secrets of PowerPoint. By the time he was finished, he knew the world needed to know about this misunderstood
RK's Story
When RK was younger, he was asked to prepare a presentation. He used the recognized software of the day, PowerPoint. Unfamiliar with PowerPoint, he ended up with a very boring, average presentation.
The embarrassment spurred him to learn all he could about PowerPoint. He was amazed when he discovered that PowerPoint will do animation and 3D effects. His earlier experience prompted him to create the tutorials and publish them online for free. RK believes in education and wouldn't consider charging a student who is trying to learn.
Free Online Tutorials Show How to Create 3D PowerPoint
3D PowerPoint Possibilities
RK took one year to unlock the mysteries of PowerPoint. But no one else has to spend a year learning it. RK and his 10-year-old daughter have created tutorials on creating 3D effects with PowerPoint. There are over 25 chapters created. They can be seen online for the one time payment of $0. Yes, you read that right. They are 100% free.
Why? RK remembers the embarrassment of his first presentation. He says "I could have done so much better if someone had taught me about PowerPoint." He wants students and corporate presenters to be successful. So he and his daughter have created these high quality tutorials and are offering them FREE.
Now, on a regular basis, you see FREE on the internet and then at the end they want you pay. That won't happen with RKPhotoMagicTrix. The only thing you will hear at the end of the tutorial is an invitation to join the next session and toe-tapping music.
How Were the Tutorials Created
These are not boring-stand-in-front-of-a-chalkboard tutorials. RK wanted these tutorials to be entertaining for both children and adults. They have been recorded with:
• Chroma
• Multi-cameras
• Shot in professional studios
• High Definition cameras
• Top of the line audio equipment
• Toe-tapping music
• Theme music recorded in Africa
• Expert Comperes,
• Professionally written scripts
• Google translatable
• Each chapter taught in 5-8 minute
This is learning through entertainment.
Who Could Benefit From Tutorials
Research tells us that 90% of what we say is forgotten within 30 seconds after we say it. I work very hard on my presentations. I do it so they will be remembered. I don't do all that preparation to be forgotten before my next sentence. Research also shows that visuals increase memory by 300%. If you want someone to remember something--don't tell them--show them.
Students preparing assignments for school could learn to create mind-blowing presentations. Consider a book report. Instead of putting the title up on the screen, the title could dance across screen in time with awesome music. Then show a picture of the author in 3D. Each scene could be animated. At the end of the report, the class would feel like they had watched a movie instead of a book report.
Conference presenters can wow their audience with 3D PowerPoint. Instead of talking about the business growing, have a 3D image of the business actually grow before their eyes. Set the presentation to music and allow the objects to dance, flip, rotate or roll across the screen.
Teachers can take classes to a new level of interest. Instead of writing math problems on the board, allow them to move on the screen. Rather than reading about a war in the book, animate it on the screen. Consider animating a science lesson on a screen to improve understanding.
Coaches, forget about Xs and Os on a chalkboard. Players can be inserted on a field and actually go through a play. The players can know exactly where they are supposed to be while on the field.
Dance teachers can show the exact position of each body part with animation. A group dance can be animated so that each dancer knows when to be where during the dance.
The possibilities are endless. PowerPoint is capable of amazing presentations. Use 3D PowerPoint for your next presentation and that conference won't be forgotten. Check out the preview video. All the chapters are recorded in the same way. Remember each chapter is only 5-8 minutes in length. It will be a very productive and entertaining few minutes
Why Tutorials for PowerPoint
Many jokes and disparaging words are made at presentations where PowerPoint is used. They are boring and amateurish. No one looks forward to watching a plain PowerPoint presentations. It doesn't have to be boring.
When PowerPoint was created, it was packed full of neat tricks to create amazing presentations. The problem has been that no one knew where to find them. Rajesh Kalra (RK) spent one year learning the secrets of PowerPoint. By the time he was finished, he knew the world needed to know about this misunderstood
RK's Story
When RK was younger, he was asked to prepare a presentation. He used the recognized software of the day, PowerPoint. Unfamiliar with PowerPoint, he ended up with a very boring, average presentation.
The embarrassment spurred him to learn all he could about PowerPoint. He was amazed when he discovered that PowerPoint will do animation and 3D effects. His earlier experience prompted him to create the tutorials and publish them online for free. RK believes in education and wouldn't consider charging a student who is trying to learn.
Free Online Tutorials Show How to Create 3D PowerPoint
3D PowerPoint Possibilities
RK took one year to unlock the mysteries of PowerPoint. But no one else has to spend a year learning it. RK and his 10-year-old daughter have created tutorials on creating 3D effects with PowerPoint. There are over 25 chapters created. They can be seen online for the one time payment of $0. Yes, you read that right. They are 100% free.
Why? RK remembers the embarrassment of his first presentation. He says "I could have done so much better if someone had taught me about PowerPoint." He wants students and corporate presenters to be successful. So he and his daughter have created these high quality tutorials and are offering them FREE.
Now, on a regular basis, you see FREE on the internet and then at the end they want you pay. That won't happen with RKPhotoMagicTrix. The only thing you will hear at the end of the tutorial is an invitation to join the next session and toe-tapping music.
How Were the Tutorials Created
These are not boring-stand-in-front-of-a-chalkboard tutorials. RK wanted these tutorials to be entertaining for both children and adults. They have been recorded with:
• Chroma
• Multi-cameras
• Shot in professional studios
• High Definition cameras
• Top of the line audio equipment
• Toe-tapping music
• Theme music recorded in Africa
• Expert Comperes,
• Professionally written scripts
• Google translatable
• Each chapter taught in 5-8 minute
This is learning through entertainment.
Who Could Benefit From Tutorials
Research tells us that 90% of what we say is forgotten within 30 seconds after we say it. I work very hard on my presentations. I do it so they will be remembered. I don't do all that preparation to be forgotten before my next sentence. Research also shows that visuals increase memory by 300%. If you want someone to remember something--don't tell them--show them.
Students preparing assignments for school could learn to create mind-blowing presentations. Consider a book report. Instead of putting the title up on the screen, the title could dance across screen in time with awesome music. Then show a picture of the author in 3D. Each scene could be animated. At the end of the report, the class would feel like they had watched a movie instead of a book report.
Conference presenters can wow their audience with 3D PowerPoint. Instead of talking about the business growing, have a 3D image of the business actually grow before their eyes. Set the presentation to music and allow the objects to dance, flip, rotate or roll across the screen.
Teachers can take classes to a new level of interest. Instead of writing math problems on the board, allow them to move on the screen. Rather than reading about a war in the book, animate it on the screen. Consider animating a science lesson on a screen to improve understanding.
Coaches, forget about Xs and Os on a chalkboard. Players can be inserted on a field and actually go through a play. The players can know exactly where they are supposed to be while on the field.
Dance teachers can show the exact position of each body part with animation. A group dance can be animated so that each dancer knows when to be where during the dance.
The possibilities are endless. PowerPoint is capable of amazing presentations. Use 3D PowerPoint for your next presentation and that conference won't be forgotten. Check out the preview video. All the chapters are recorded in the same way. Remember each chapter is only 5-8 minutes in length. It will be a very productive and entertaining few minutes
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