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Microsoft Project 2016 Training Tutorial for Beginners - Getting started

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This short tutorial will help you get started with Project 2016. We'll cover the following topics:
Creating a new project
Entering tasks and durations
Creating a recurring task

Checkout some of our other training videos on YouTube:

Microsoft Project 2016 Getting Started Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaSeydaLHjY&index=3&list=UUs0HFzHKh73OqAVFZpJZD9g

Microsoft Office 365 Project Online Tutorial (Importing Projects): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuSn_piXJLw&list=UUs0HFzHKh73OqAVFZpJZD9g&index=6&shuffle=1308&spfreload=5

Microsoft Project Online for Administrators:

Microsoft Project Online for Project Managers Agenda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt5--W3KjyA&index=16&list=UUs0HFzHKh73OqAVFZpJZD9g

Microsoft SharePoint Online for Power Users: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH3M_rMm5pc&list=UUs0HFzHKh73OqAVFZpJZD9g&index=9

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