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NMT Bell's Palsy Rehabilitation Tutorial N°2

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Innovation in the world of rehabilitation often follows the path outlined by research and clinical observation. This is what happened to NeuroMuscular Taping (NMT) www.tapingneuromuscolare.eu, www.nmtinstitute.asia and www.nmtinstitute.org
NMT is a treatment and rehabilitation system designed by Australian David Blow in 2003. This treatment method developed in Italy originates from the NMT Concept that has been used successfully ever since in hospitals, clinics and private practices by doctors, physiotherapists and health care professionals and is currently recognized as a therapeutic support in medical rehabilitation. Our training courses take into account orthopedic and neurologic rehabilitation requirements, while NeuroMuscular Taping fits perfectly with manual and instrumental treatment ensuring the best possible results. The goal is to improve treatment options and improving treatment recovery.
The project was made possible thanks to the efforts of local organizers Fondazione Butterfly ONLUS, Bertinoro, Italy, NMT Rome & New York, the Mekelle Orthopedic and Physiotherapy Centre, (Girmay Fikkermariam) Tigray Region, Mekelle University, and sepcial thanks to Dr. Loko Abraham, Dean of Health Sciences College.Mekelle University, Ethiopia. The aim of the initiative is to impart upon colleagues therapeutic guidelines on manual methods and NeuroMuscularTaping in order to deal with everyday rehabilitation associated with orthopedic, neurological, and pediatric disorders. NMT Institute Italy has requested the participation of physiotherapists and doctors with specific experience and consolidated practical skills in the area of NeuroMuscular Taping in the various phases of rehabilitative therapy. Tutor staff with experience in both pediatric and neurological, as well as in the area of post-trauma care and in the treatment of scarring and amputations is essential. The project entails collaboration with various hospitals and clinics to incorporate the rehabilitation system proposed by NeuroMuscular Taping into the daily work of therapists. The NeuroMuscular Taping rehabilitation system is a low cost therapeutic methodology which improves rehabilitation time while reducing pain and suffering. This humanitarian training mission is a part of a series of collaborations in Africa, South America, Europe and Asia.
NMT amputation treatment is a rehabilitation system that will follow the person during the rehabilitation phases assisting in lymphatic drainage, muscle and tendon extension and scar adhesion reduction. This will help maintain mobility and stability during movement.
bell's palsy, rehabilitation, david blow
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