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Paisley Learns to BRAID on our NEW Cute Girls Hairstyles Styling Heads!

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Paisley and I are SUPER EXCITED to show you how she learned HOW TO BRAID over the past several months! We just launched our own Cute Girls Hairstyles Styling Head Line, and Paisley helped me do it! And she's become quite the little braider, see for yourself!

✅ Check out our entire line of Cute Girls Hairstyles Styling Heads and Accessories HERE! ???????? http://www.cutegirlshairstyles.com/toys

Shaun and I started working on this project about 7 years ago, but we ran into several risky and expensive roadblock trying to source them ourselves. A little over a year ago, I was approached by Jakks Pacific (a top-tier toy company) who wanted to create a similar line as part of a licensing deal! We JUMPED at the chance and this adorable styling head line is the result.

When Brooklyn and Bailey were little, I bought two mannequin head with life-like hair to practice stying hair on because I didn't want to force them to sit through my braid creation sessions. I would often find my girls with both of those heads, imitating me as they styled their hair with brushes, combs, elastics and hair clips. Those mannequin heads got so much use, that my girls literally destroyed them. And those mannequin heads are EXPENSIVE and kinda creepy looking! I wanted to provide something for young girls that would be cute and adorable, with manageable hair, that would be easy enough to learn to style and braid on.

For most of Paisley's young life, I have struggled to find dolls and other toys that look like her in stores. It felt wrong to me that there wasn't a more broad assortment available, because I feel that much of what children learn about diversity is what they are taught and see within the walls of our own home. How much better off would our kids be if we diversified the toys they play with, the books they read, etc, from a young age?

Paisley, Rylan, Kamri, Brooklyn, and Bailey all helped me refine the look of these toy styling heads, as well as the hair texture and colors. It was important for us to show diversity in the toy line, to represent the world we live in. Paisley certainly was a major inspiration for me, as well as my best product tester! She's helped me test every prototype, from beginning to end, AND ITS EASY TO SEE WHICH STYLING HEAD AND ACCESSORY IS HER FAV!❤️

Walmart jumped at the chance to carry the entire line, and LOVED the diversity that it brought to their toy aisle. Target is also carrying most of our line, as will Sam's Club and Amazon in the near future.

So if you have a young daughter, or younger sister, who you think could benefit from learning how to braid and style her own hair... one of our ADORABLE CuteGirlsHairstyles Styling Heads and accessory kits would the perfect answer!

What is your favorite part of our Cute Girls Hairstyles Styling Head & Accessories line??? Please comment below and be sure to click the "????" next to the SUBSCRIBE button, to join our Notification Squad for #PowerHour each week!

????'s -Mindy


We post a new hairstyle tutorial or Behind the Braids family vlog every Monday afternoon {4pm CST}!

So, please don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel...

You can also find me HERE!

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How do you say "Hairstyles" in many of the world's top languages? Here are several... تسريحات, coiffures, peinados, penteados, stylizacje, прически, kiểu tóc, nga estilo sa buhok, frisuren, χτενίσματα, acconciature, kapsels, fryzury, केशविन्यास.

About Cute Girls Hairstyles:
Mindy McKnight is a mother of six children and a teacher of all braids, past, present, and future! Enjoy hundreds of 5-minute hair tutorials that are cute and easy to recreate! Whether you're looking to learn how to create hairstyles such as simple braids, waterfall braids, french braids, fishtail braids, lace braids, pancake braids, faux braids, plaits, twists, buns, ponytails, updos or something with a little edge... you can find it all here! (We even have Daddy Do's, hairstyles so easy that even a daddy can do them!) You'll also find a "Behind the Braids" family vlog, showing what goes on behind the scenes in our home, every other Sunday! Be sure to subscribe... and prepare for compliments! #CuteGirlsHairstyles

FTC Disclaimer: This is my own licensed toy product line, licensed via Jakks Pacific.

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