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Stop over-explaining: Why you don’t owe anyone an explanation

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Complete transcript: Stop over-explaining: Why you don’t owe anyone an explanation

Therapist: Stop over-explaining

You can't communicate with someone who's chosen to misunderstand you. There are some people that you'll never be able to get through to and the more time and energy you spend trying to get through to them, you'll only end up feeling more stuck and more frustrated.

When you continue to over-explain in an attempt to be heard, and the person continues to not be receptive, you only end up trying yourself. Every person has their own opinions, their own perspectives and their own way of seeing the world.

Just because someone doesn't see things from your perspective, doesn't mean that your perspective isn't true or isn't real. There are multiple truths and multiple realities. We only have limited emotional energy, we exhaust ourselves and end up stuck. When we use that energy to try to get people to see our viewpoint. Especially when they show that they're not interested or willing to see our perspective at all.
Dr. Nicole, The SelfHealers Circle, How to be the love you seek
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