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The Secret to Confidence: It’s Not What You Think | Over 50 & Flourishing

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From the movies we watch to the perfectly curated images on social media, we’re constantly shown what confidence should look like. But true confidence goes deeper than appearances. In this episode, I’m exploring how faith plays a powerful role in shaping our confidence. I’m not here to preach—just to share my own experiences, insights, and challenges along the way. Join me for an honest and uplifting conversation on finding confidence that’s truly unshakable.

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Interested in being featured as a guest? Please email courtney@dominiquesachse.tv
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Watch ​more Dominique Sachse:
Beauty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDHJ901QU_Q&list=PLKUX44R3MbuSDQV7BzvQxMrVeVZfGBCcD
Lifestyle Tips & Tricks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKUX44R3MbuR3sX61i9QiwnOBr61tEMc_&playnext=1
Most Popular: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKUX44R3MbuTDh-LeJThrmz5XBrjQxbob&playnext=1

Follow Dominique Sachse:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dominiquesachse
Instagram: ​https://instagram.com/dominiquesachse
Facebook: ​https://facebook.com/DominiqueSachse

Check out my website: ​http://dominiquesachse.tv

You can order a copy of my new book LIFE MAKEOVER - Embrace The Bold,
Beautiful, & Blessed YOU here: https://www.dominiquesachse.tv/book/
Each product I feature is something I have used and loved and wanted to share
with you. I choose 100% of the products I feature and do not ever
recommend anything I haven't personally used myself. Links in my description may be affiliated and are a wonderful way to show your support,
allowing me to continue spreading beauty and boldness.

About Dominique Sachse: Welcome to the official Dominique Sachse YouTube
channel! On this channel, you’ll find inspiring “Yes, you can do it!” tips for
transformative hair and makeup, fashion - and health and wellness related
content for the mature woman who’s in her PRIME! I enjoy sharing my life with you
through my vlogs, how-to live YOUR best life through Q & A videos and so much
more, all with a touch of faith and affirmation.

#DominiqueSachse​ #Podcast #MidlifeWomen
Fashion & Beauty
Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe
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