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The WAN Show - PS4 slightly LESS underpowered, Amazon Drones are REAL! - Dec 4, 2015

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Timestamps courtesy of Sam Tilling (IPickle), Ghost, JJMC89 & Brandon Axtmann
00:04:13 Amazon Explains How its Drone Service (Prime Air) Will Work.
00:14:15 YouTube wants to compete with Netflix.
00:17:35 VTech admits to being hacked.
00:21:30 Playstation unlocks 7th core for developers.
00:39:20 Scott Wasson [Tech Report] joining AMD.
00:44:30 AMD drivers locking fan speeds to 20% and killing GPUs. (Patched)
00:47:50 Sponsor: Squarespace
00:54:15 Sponsor: Tunnelbear
00:58:00 TigerDirect to lay off 241 workers.
00:59:50 GTX960Ti (allegedly) coming soon for $249.
01:00:10 (Rumor) Fury X2 paper launch before 2016 - $1070 Launch Price.
01:00:40 Intel ‘Skylake’ CPUs are bending by some 3rd party coolers.
01:08:05 Your Printer Could Be (Helping) Spy on you.
01:11:25 DIY mac pro case.
01:13:55 Just cause 3 suffers from terrible frame rate and load times on the Nextgen consoles.
01:14:50 Konami won’t let Hideo Kojima accept an award for Metal Gear Solid V
01:15:17 Just Cause 3 is incompatible with multi-GPU solutions.
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