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THIS Finally Made Me Replace My iPad Pro!

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If you're interested in buying any of the products mentioned, you can find them here:
- Samsung Galaxy Book Flex: https://amzn.to/3fpXZrr
- iPad Pro: https://amzn.to/2DaHm6d
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#SamsungGalaxyBookFlex #iPadPro #Windows10vsiPadOS

I don't think anyone celebrated the announcement of iPad OS more than I did last year. I've been paying top dollar for iPad Pros for years, so the idea of finally having something as simple as a desktop browser or a file manager was all that I thought I needed. The problem is that while principle is there, meaning Safari does tell websites that it's a computer and not a phone, the capability is hit or miss because it still behaves like a phone. While we do now have a file explorer, this whole approach to accessing files between apps, or sharing them is this convoluted set of unnecessary steps.

I was hoping that iPad OS 14 would be the solution, but neither of those things were addressed, and just why widgets don't work on the larger canvas is just ridiculous to me. And I get it, maybe Apple doesn't want to have its own iPad to compete in certain ways with the Mac, but have you done the math of how much it costs to buy a decent and fully equipped iPad Pro? It's between 800 to 1000 dollars for the tablet, over 300 dollars for the keyboard, 120 dollars for the pencil.. You're talking 12 to 1500 dollars for a product that still can't do everything.

And here's the thing, I've spent two years looking a better alternative. A tablet with pro-grade stylus support for some uses, but that could be a full blown computer without restrictions for others uses where the iPad failed. First I thought the Pixel Slate could solve the problem, but we know that crashed and burned. The Always Connected PC is really close to this ideal, but some app compatibility holds it back. And then while the Surface Pro was good, it's still not my favorite form factor. I was seriously starting to lose hope until I found something better..

This is the Samsung Galaxy Book Flex, what the company dubs as QLED brilliance in a powerful 2-in-1, and yeah, there's actually a broader story as to why this product matters. Thing is Josh's review from a few months ago left me convinced that this was the product I was looking for, and after a few weeks of use, there's a lot to say. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow, and this has been my experience replacing the iPad Pro

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