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Up To 31% Ryzen Performance Improvement - WAN Show March 31, 2017

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Timestamps courtesy of Brandom Axtmann and JJMC89.
00:02:27 - r/buildapc is now the the_linus
00:05:06 - GeForce GTX G-Assist
00:06:40 - New YouTube filters for advertisers to avoid certain types of content
00:16:22 - Ashes of the Singularity update gives up to 31% improvement on Ryzen
00:21:19 - Oculus co-founder, Luckey, leaves Facebook
00:24:17 - Samsung store caught fire the day before the Galaxy S8 announcement
00:25:09 - Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus unveiled
00:30:42 - Samsung to sell refurbished Note 7 phones
00:33:22 - Sponsor: MOS
00:36:17 - Sponsor: Zotac
00:38:25 - Razer's servers go down for the second time this month, resetting mice and keyboards globally
00:41:55 - Domino's to use robots for deliveries in Europe
00:44:04 - Elon Musk launches Neuralink
00:52:00 - Samsung debuts 34-foot 4K HDR LED display for movie theaters
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