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Use any of these 3 oils and you will see what happens to your headache/Cure headache naturally

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Use any of these 3 oils and you will see what happens to your headache
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There are three specific essential oils, which can serve as a great treatment for headache and migraine, getting to the root of the problem, instead of minimizing the pain temporarily.
Unlike painkillers, that are commonly used to treat headaches and migraines today, these oils have no nasty side effects, and help circulation, reducing stress.
Hormonal changes and imbalances in women can cause headaches, especially immediately before or during their periods when estrogen levels drop.
And classic headache medications can even worsen the situation.
So using essential oils as a natural treatment is strongly advised.
Headaches may also be caused by stress, intense physical activity, sinus pressure, some specific foods and allergies.
All of these factors can be minimized or even eliminated with essential oils.
After all, the oils I am about to discuss, have been used with success for thousands of years.
One. Lavender.
The use of Lavender essential oil, can relax and relieve tension and stress, working as a calming agent, antidepressant and anti-anxiety.
According to researchers, aromatic and topical use of lavender oil, affects positively the central nervous system, regulating serotonin levels, which helps minimize pain in the nervous system.
For this reason, it can be used to treat headaches caused by stress.
In 2012, European Neurology published the results of a study conducted on a group of participants who used lavender oil for 15 minutes during a migraine headache.
From the 129 headache cases in the treatment group, 92 responded entirely or partially to lavender oil inhalation, reporting a decrease in their migraine.
How to use lavender oil.
Diffuse 5 drops of lavender oil at home or in your work place, to reduce muscle tension and relieve stress and tension headaches.
You can also apply it topically to the back of your neck, on your temples and wrists.
After a stressful day, add five to 10 drops of lavender oil to a warm-water bath, and breath deeply so the properties begin to work and reduce headache tension.
Two. Rosemary.
This essential oil has been used in traditional medicine to treat headaches and blood circulation problems, for its stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties.
It will calm you down, improving your balance and orientation, reducing the stress and emotional causes that can trigger headache attacks.
An interesting scientific study published in 2013, evaluated the efficacy of rosemary oil as a form of herbal therapy, for the alleviation of nausea, bad mood, headaches, and insomnia, in patients with a history of opium abuse.
Taken internally for one month, the rosemary treatment, reduced tension, improved sleeping patterns and alleviated pain in these patients.
How to use rosemary oil.
Add the oil to your favorite drink or soup, to relieve a strong headache.
Take one drop of rosemary oil internally, by adding it to your favorite tea, soup or water, when experiencing headache or migraine attacks.
You can also mix a few drops of rosemary with a teaspoon of coconut oil and 2 drops of peppermint, and rub the mixture into the temples, in the back of your neck, and your forehead.
This will help reducing headache and migraine.
Three. Eucalyptus.
Eucalyptus essential oil is a great detoxer and helps cleansing the body of toxins and harmful bacteria.
Used topically on the chest, top of nose and temples, it has a anti-inflammatory effects, and can open up the nasal passages, relieving sinus tension, and the nasty headache caused by this condition.
A 2011 study conducted in Israel, evaluated the efficacy of eucalyptus oil when used on patients with tension headaches, respiratory conditions and sore throat.
The patients reported that with the use of this magic oil, they improved breathing and reduced their nose problems.
How to use eucalyptus oil.
The oil of the aromatic evergreen leaves of the Eucalyptus tree, native to Australia, are able to clear your nasal passages and alleviate the tension that triggers headache.
Just dilute a few drops of eucalyptus with a carrier oil, and apply it topically to the chest, back of the neck, temples and forehead, and see the magic happen.
Ok that was all for this video.
I hope it will help you.
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Video by Giampaolo Floris, Endhairloss.eu founder
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