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Wow! Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Hair? Hair Hacks for Every Girl

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Did you know that using Apple Cider Vinegar on your hair has A TON of benefits? It helps with the sheen & luster of your hair, and the overall health of your scalp! How should you use it?

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✅Hairitage An Apple A Day Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse: https://shopstyle.it/l/bcobN

Using an #AppleCiderVinegar rinse will help improve the health of your #hair in SO many ways! The ACV that you buy in the food section of the grocery store is NOT the same thing as this product. Rinses designed for your hair are much more diluted than regular ACV from a grocery store, to help prevent hair and scalp dryness, and have added ingredients to leave your hair healthier and smelling great? (Who would ever want to smell like a pickle?)

I only use the ACV rinse on my hair about once every 2 weeks. Usage of this product depends heavily on your hair type, texture, the amount of times a week you wash your hair, how much product you use in your hair on a daily basis (dry shampoo, hairspray, texture powder, etc). The buildup of the latter products needs to be broken down. Also, due to the acidity levels of the product, it’s not something that you’ll want to use everyday, but rather use it “as needed,” as a clarifying method.

There are several factors that determine how you’ll use an ACV rinse, as well as how often! You know your hair better than anyone, so sometimes you just have to play with a product to understand how it’s going to work the best for you. You might find that you like to use it once a week, maybe in-between washes - you really just have to play with it to find the most effective results of the product for YOU!

On top of having a more balanced and healthy #scalp, a huge benefit of my ACV rinse is how GOOD it smells! It smells like the rest of my hair product line, and you will NOT be leaving tour hair and shower smelling like vinegar!
Fashion & Beauty
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