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21 English words you’ve probably been mispronouncing

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21 common English words that are difficult to pronounce
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There are 1.8 billion people in the world speaking English and everyone is kind of adding something to the language and starting to mispronounce words. We hear somebody using the wrong pronunciation and start to do the same. If you are interested to find out what kind of words you've been mispronouncing all this time and if you want to speak English like a native without any mistakes, keep watching this video!

Words used in this video: GIF, salmon, prerogative, bruschetta, espresso, babushka, pizza, Wednesday, Greenwich, Reading, genre, police, often, stomach, meme, niche, sugar, cocoa, raspberry, bowl, status

"Simple Productivity: How to Accomplish More With Less" by Greg McKeown: https://skl.sh/2y3tZST

This video is sponsored by Skillshare

Time codes:
0:39 GIF, salmon, prerogative
1:58 Bruschetta, espresso, babushka
3:07 About Skillshare
4:17 Pizza, Wednesday
4:55 Two words that don't follow the logic
5:20 Genre, police, often
6:15 Stomach, meme, niche
7:07 Sugar, cocoa, raspberry
8:14 Bowl, status

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⭐ LEARN LANGUAGES ABROAD - https://linguatrip.com
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⭐ DOWNLOAD MY ENGLISH WORKBOOK - https://www.english.online/

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