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Best Knee Exercises to Do BEFORE Knee Replacement Surgery & Why Prehab is Important

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With a total knee replacement, aka total knee arthroscopy (TKR/TKA), it’s important to do physical therapy on the knee (prehab) BEFORE the knee replacement because the stronger and more flexible the knee is before surgery, the better the recovery and outcomes will be. Buy a TENS 7000 TENS/EMS Combo Unit at https://shrsl.com/4ty6j (affiliate link)

In this video I'll demonstrate some simple stretches and exercises for total knee replacement prehab, and give some reasons why prehab is so important for a knee replacement. Buy a worksheet with these Knee Replacement Prehab Exercises & Stretches at https://www.askdoctorjo.com/product/knee-replacement-prehab/

Watch a video about what to do AFTER a Total Knee Replacement


Doctor Jo is a Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.

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Best Knee Exercises to Do BEFORE Knee Replacement Surgery, and Why Prehab is Important

00:00 – Total Knee Replacement/Arthroscopy Prehab Exercises
00:05 – Thank You to TENS 7000 for Sponsoring the Video
00:20 – Why Prehab Before Surgery
01:20– Prone Quad Stretch
03:00 – Hamstring Stretch
04:37 – IT Band Stretch
06:23 – Calf Stretch
07:47 – Quad Sets
08:57 – Clamshells
11:11 – Bridges
13:00 – Standing Hip Abduction
14:15 – Heel Raises

SUBTITLES, DUBS & TRANSLATIONS: This video features English subtitles as well as subtitles, translations & dubs for many other languages. You can change the tracks in the Settings menu. See how: https://youtu.be/VatNBZh66Po

All subtitles, dubs & translations are computer-generated, so they may not be 100% accurate, but we hope they will give more people the opportunity to enjoy our content.

PRODUCT PLACEMENT DISCLAIMER: This video contains paid product placement. Thank you to TENS 7000 for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free TENS 7000 TENS/EMS Combo Unit to use.

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is for informational purposes only. It is general in nature and is not intended to be medical advice, nor does using it create a physical therapist-patient relationship with you. Before starting, consult your own healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and to ensure this content and any included products are safe and appropriate for your own medical and physical condition. Stop immediately if you experience pain. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content for you. By voluntarily using this content, you assume all risks for any resulting losses, injuries, or damages.
askdoctorjo, doctorjo, physical therapy
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