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Court Case Held in Metaverse & Technology Bringing Relief to Turkey | WEF | Top Stories of the Week

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This week's top stories of the week include:
0:15 Columbia holds a court case in the metaverse - This tech makes it easier and faster to access the justice system according to the magistrate in charge, Judge María Victoria Quiñones. The metaverse is a fully immersive digital reality, generally accessed through XR (Extended Reality).

The judge said the metaverse meets the needs of a fair justice system. It provides a neutral space for all parties and allows for a free exchange of information while removing the need for everyone to gather in the same physical space. The judge also made use of the AI chatbot ChatGPT. She asked it to explain terms such as ‘metaverse’ and ‘avatar’ to the participants and she consulted ChatGPT on the best way to verify their identities. The metaverse is still in its infancy but it’s growing fast. 54% of experts believe it will have half a billion users by 2040

1:36 5 lifesaving technologies bringing relief to Turkey - Here are five life-saving technologies that are helping relief efforts in the aftermath of the Türkiye earthquake. One of them is an online open-source hub that was set up within hours of the earthquake. This simple website hosts links on everything from blood donations to temporary accommodation and emergency food supplies in the areas impacted by the Syria and Türkiye earthquake. It has handled more than 14 million requests for information already from more than 1 million unique visitors.

Watch the video to learn more about how these technologies are aiding the Türkiye earthquake relief work.

3:05 3 completely new jobs you can get hired in - Skills-based hiring is the smart, ethical way to fill these vacancies. Hiring for skills is 5 times more predictive of job performance than hiring for education and 2.5 times more predictive than hiring for work experience.

5:08 Third HIV patient cured with bone marrow transplant - He received bone marrow stem cells to treat his leukemia from a donor with natural HIV resistance. Slowly, the healthy immune cells replaced HIV-infected ones. Now, a decade after the transplant and 44 months after stopping HIV medication the patient is in good health, with no signs of infection. Around 1% of the population is naturally immune to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The ‘Düsseldorf patient’ is the third to be cured of HIV with stem cells from bone marrow.


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