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There were three movies that we heard over and over again...
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Thank you for watching! We are a couple of brothers from Nashville, Tennessee who have enjoyed making videos together since we were little kids. We've gotten married to a couple of awesome girls since then, and they show up on the channel sometimes too! If you would like to get in touch, feel free to shoot us an email. We love hearing from people! Send us an email!

Jordan: http://www.instagram.com/messy_jordan
Kelli: http://www.instagram.com/keenertaylor
Sara: http://www.instagram.com/life_as_saylor

0:00 Welcome to the show!
1:07 Jordan has a Whitney Houston obsession
1:30 Josh tells a bad Whitney Houston joke
1:52 What was your first R rated movie?
3:32 What was OUR first R Rated movie?
5:53 Christian Meme Review
7:20 Jordan tries to pass the Arthur quiz
9:39 Check out Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana!
10:57 Half of America doesn’t believe in GOD anymore?
18:20 10 Things You Don’t Want to Hear God Say at the Pearly Gates
20:24 The Messyge: How do you OPEN UP to people?
24:55 Josh talks about worrying that he’ll have to get a “real job”
29:00 Jordan eavesdropped on a family dining out and learned something…
32:54 Did It Waste My Life: Ready Player One
35:20 Jordan found the real Big Head Kid
36:51 Has Josh come around on digital implants?
40:27 Josh recommends the puzzle game THE TALOS PRINCIPLE
41:39 Jordan figured out how to get FREE GAS
44:38 We say unkind things about MrBeast for a minute or two.
46:07 The survey results from last week
50:00 Let’s get out of here.
blimey, cow, messy
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