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How To Make A Video with Kid President

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Kid President needs your help! Be part of Kid President’s special friend pep talk! Watch video for instructions. If you don’t have the KP book with the pep talk inside it (and why don’t you ?!) here is the text of the pep talk. Film yourself giving this pep talk. Upload it to YouTube. Email the link to [email protected].
‘A New Pep Talk’ #KPFriendPep
(An awesome little excerpt from ‘Kid President’s Guide To Being Awesome’ pages 222-229)
"The book is almost over, but your adventure is just beginning.
I don’t like goodbyes, but sometimes you have to say goodbye. Say goodbye to boring. Say goodbye to apathy–that means not caring about stuff. Say goodbye to those weird cut-off shorts. (Just figured you could while you’re throwing stuff out.) Say goodbye to all the boring stuff, so you can start saying “Hello” to all the awesome stuff.
It is time to say “Hello” to possibility. Say “Hello” to hope. Say “Hello” to my cat, Shirley. Why? Look at her. She’s cool.
The greatest superpower we all have is the ability to change the future. That’s real talk.
Changing stuff can be hard, but we gotta do it. Especially our pants. You gotta change your pants.
You might not think you can change anything but you can. You will. Just by being you.
Some days it’ll seem tough. It’ll seem like you’re not getting anywhere. But every single day, you are adding a note to what adds up to be a big piece of music. Other people are making music, too. Together we’re all making a big song. And it’s a really good song.
It’s the kind of song that makes you want to dance and reminds you why dancing is awesome in the first place. We forget about dancing too much.
We forget a lot of important stuff sometimes. Birthdays. Responsibilities. How to spell ”responsibilities.” (I think that’s it.) Worst of all–we forget that if we want to be awesome, we have to treat people awesome. Treat people like they are people, people.
If we all do that, we’ll have a bunch of happy people.
Maybe you’ve been waiting for somebody to say this, so I’ll say it: It’s okay. You can go be awesome. Seriously. Go be awesome. The world needs more little notes adding to the music.
It’s time. Play on.
KP out."
KID PRESIDENT’S GUIDE TO BEING AWESOME is a book for all ages available wherever awesome books are sold.
Brad Montague (writer, director) and Robby Novak (performer) are a family. Kid President is a project that came out of just having fun. Now they’re on a mission to use this fun to inspire and encourage humans of any age.
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